In the world of broadcast engineering, achieving seamless audio-visual synchronization is paramount for delivering an immersive and enjoyable viewing experience. One of the key challenges faced by broadcast professionals is the phenomenon known as AV delay, where the...
IBC was a great show as always, and the Leader and PHABRIX stand was buzzing with new and exciting tools to make your workflows easier. Here are a few highlights from Amsterdam… Thank you to TVBEurope for the IBC Best of Show Award for our new LPX500 Quad-input...
Thatcham, UK – 10th September 2024: Test & measurement innovator, Leader, has announced the launch of the LPX500, a powerful new Quad-input Waveform Monitor with dual-independent screens for hybrid IP/SDI workflows. The first in a major new family of video...
Following the release of our latest V5.4 software, to support Full Range Analysis in the Qx Series (Qx, QxL and QxP) of rasterizers and waveform monitors, I’m going to dive a little deeper into what this means for you, our customers. What is Full Range? The PHABRIX Qx...
An Explainer from Leader’s Steve Holmes About Hybrid Test Signal Generation and the New Leader LT4670 A sync pulse generator is the heartbeat of your facility. Make sure yours provides you with unmatched flexibility, reliability, and versatility. The new Leader LT4670...