Our Company

Message from the President – Kozo Nagao, President

Since the company’s establishment in 1954, we have contributed innovative measurement technology for sectors of industry such as home appliances, television broadcasting and mobile telephones. Progressing with measurement technology as the basis of our business, we have evolved our products and supporting services to meet the demands of each era and will continue to pursue various forms of value provision into the future.

In addition to improving the quality of broadcast communication, we are developing new technology for use in IP-based video distribution. So-called OTT (Over The Top) is expected to become a major aspect of the television and radio industry. 5G mobile telecommunication infrastructure is also expected to become widely adopted in the medium term. We hope to fulfil our social contribution based on our proven experience and skill in developing high grade measurement solutions.

The potential needs of our customers are an important factor guiding our strategy as supporter of innovation. Customer feedback relating to our existing products as well as requests for additional technical capabilities are always welcome, receiving our prompt and careful attention.

Corporate Philosophy & Management Vision

Corporate Philosophy

  • Contribute to the creation of a vibrant society through measurement
  • Create and innovate
  • Gather and refine knowledge

Management Vision

  • Anticipate external environmental changes and actively encourage social innovation
  • Building on measurement technology as a foundation, drive the evolution of measurement methods according to the demands of the times for effective monitoring and solutions
  • Promote speedy creation and innovation by gathering wisdom across and beyond internal and external boundaries
  • Constructively accept regional and other differences and practice corporate behavior that is not bound by the framework of “Japan”
  • Pursue co-prosperity with our business partners, employees, and shareholders

Environmental Initiatives

Consideration for the environment is one of the important issues for a sustainable society

Leader Electronics considers the impact of all corporate activities, such as product development and manufacturing, on the environment, observes the relevant laws and regulations, and conducts business activities based on the following Corporate Behavior Guidelines.

We have also established green procurement guidelines to promote environmentally friendly products with our business partners.


Corporate Behavior Guidelines

  • Continually improve our environmental management system and strive for the preservation of the environment and the prevention of pollution.
  • Comply with environmental legal requirements applicable to our company and other requirements to which we subscribe.
  • Establish environmental objectives and targets for the implementation of our environmental policy, and regularly review them.
  • Develop environmentally friendly products, for example substituting environmentally hazardous substances with safe ones.
  • Consider waste as a precious resource and process it appropriately.
  • Publicize our environmental policy both inside and outside of the company to promote understanding of our environmental policy and raise awareness.

Quality Initiatives

Electronic measuring instruments, which might be called the mother tools of electronics, always require the highest technology and quality.

Leader Electronics is actively engaged in the creation of products that delight customers, and we carry out our activities in line with the Quality Policy presented below. As part of these efforts, we have been certified for ISO 9001, an international standard for quality management systems.

Quality Policy

  • Provide products and services rich in creativity and reliability that satisfy customers’ requirements, legal requirements and regulatory requirements.
  • Continuously improve our quality management system and strive to create products that please customers
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